Thursday, November 10, 2016

Eliminating Debt - What had worked for me

Alrighty, here we go. Clearing out our debts is the first step to creating our wealth. This is getting us from a negative to a 0, then we can start working on our financial freedom and moving towards the positive.

Many of us lose sleep thinking about how to pay off all our debts. We have the intention to pay them off, but often think to ourselves, "I have so much debt!" and then get paralyzed. We end us coasting along and praying that the debts will just magically disappear.

Unfortunately, it doesn't happen this way.

First, we need to really decide that we WANT to clear out our debts. We need to psyche ourselves that WE CAN DO THIS. Many of the things that need to be done to creating wealth is attitude and the determination to achieve. This has to be in place first and foremost. This will help us bend over backwards and make sacrifices to achieve our goal (here, it is eliminating debt -- but this attitude thing is really applicable to ANY situation).

If you think you can't do it alone, seek help. Many people will be happy to rally you to success! Family and friends are there, but of course there are always benefits to professional help.

There are many financial planners/advisors who are willing to help. Of course they will also want to sell you insurance (hi, guys!!), but if you are clear to them that you are not yet in that state (you will be later on though to secure your wealth), they then can bring out their calculators and help you find a plan to pay off your debts. (Then remember them when you're ready to purchase a life insurance plan -- more on this later!!).

If you want to get on it yourself, my suggestion is (and this has worked for me) to first list down all your sources of debt (e.g. a number of credit cards, bank loans, Friends & Family loans). We need to take stock of exactly how much we owe and from whom. This way, it is clear to us how big (or small!) the problem really is.

Once we have this listed out, we need to identify how much MINIMUM we need to pay each month. We also need to look at the money we set aside for paying these debts and look into our expenses to see if we can cut back on some purchases to make this amount bigger (more of this later!!). The amount of money we have need to cover AT LEAST all the minimum payments combined.

F&F LOANS: Family and friends need you to pay them your debt, more for your own integrity and their trust in you than interest. Be frank with them and tell them your goal of eliminating all your debts and ask if it is possible to pay them a minimum amount each month OR to slide the payments due to future months. If they agree, Hallelujah!!! You can use the money to pay off higher interest debts first. But if not and if they need the money as well (it is THEIR money, don't forget), then please pay this off first. Remember that these people lent you money because they trusted your word. So do not destroy that trust.

BANK LOANS: If you have bank loans (car loan, housing loan, etc.), the interest is normally paid upfront even before you received the money, so the monthly installments will remain the same until you "graduate" and won't really benefit you if you pay faster. So here, just pay the monthly installment due.

CREDIT CARDS: First, stop using your credit cards. Use cash. Up until you've paid off your credit card debts and able to pay billings IN FULL.

Here, we need to pay off the minimum on ALL our debts on the list EXCEPT the one with the highest interest (let's name it Card A). We pay there as much money as we can. Let me repeat, AS MUCH MONEY AS WE CAN. Why?! Because not all debts are created equal. Those with the higher interest are the ones that bleed us dry faster. So we want to tackle this one first.

Once we finish paying of Card A, let's get all the money we used to pay on it and ADD it to the minimum amount for the next highest interest card (let's call this Card B) and continue paying the minimum on the other cards. Continue this process until you have paid off ALL. :)

Sounds simple? Why, yes!!! The answers to life's biggest questions are normally the simplest. The problem here is, IT TAKES A LOT OF DISCIPLINE. Which is why I go back to how important attitude here is.

Not to worry, once you see that you are succeeding, your confidence will grow and you will feel fulfilled that you are able to do this worthwhile work. And this will help you keep going!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Clearing out our IOU's

Photo credit:
To be financially free, we need to grow our money. It has to work for us. Yep, we know this. And to start doing this, we need to have money.

If you have debts, this means you're not even at the starting line, you are way BEHIND it. We need to get rid of our debts. Otherwise, we will keep running, without even getting to the starting line first.

Nowadays, it is so easy to find ourselves in debt. The most common is the addicting credit card. Addicting because it is so convenient. You walk into any shop and they accept credit cards. You go online and again, they accept credit cards. You can purchase practically anything using your credit card. Not only that, the cherished credit card gives you time (two weeks to a month) before needing to pay off your purchases! What a steal!

It starts out with a little tiny purchase using our credit card. Then we appreciate the convenience of charging everything to our credit card (yay, no need to worry about the payments until next month!) and we end up charging everything in sight!

We sometimes forget that we couldn't afford to purchase so many things! We think, how can I not afford it when my credit card allows me to pay only a small percentage every month? And so we go along our merry way, burying ourselves in debt.

Hey you, wake up and smell the flowers! The credit card dreamland is actually a trap! It lulls you into thinking that you are "rich" when in fact it robs you of the possibility to BE rich.

We don't actually see that these "minimum payments" is what the credit card company wants you to pay! Because this is where they earn money! The interest payments, over the course of a year, spells about 42% (at 3.5% per month). Imagine that!!! You purchase something worth PHP10,000, you end up paying PHP14,200!

We are talking about credit card debt here. There could be other kinds of debt -- bank loans (car, housing, personal), F&F loans (family and friends loans), school/office loans, etc! These need to be eliminated ASAP!

In the next post, I will share an effective technique on clearing out our IOU's.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Where do I start?!

OK, let's roll our sleeves and get to work.

If you search the internet for tips on how to be financially free, you will be steam rolled by a gazillion ideas which may leave you stumped as to what to do first. All tips are truly excellent! But being bombarded often leaves us paralyzed and decide to not start at all.

Let me try to simplify (for your sanity and mine). Here are the 4 (or 5?) main things we freedom fighters need to focus on:

Pic Credit to:
0. Get out of debt (this is #0 because if you don't have debt, you can skip this step, weeeee!)
1. Create money (active income)
2. Save money
3. Protect money
4. Invest money (to create passive income or more active income)

So all in all, there are 4 (or 5) steps! Now that's not so overwhelming, right?

Welcome (Financial) Freedom Fighters!

Welcome, co- Freedom Fighters!

This is my very first blog entry and I am VERY EXCITED to be starting this!

The WHY:

I want a comfortable life. I want to be able to buy things when I want to buy them. I want to be able to do things which I had been putting off for some time now (Baking school, full time mama schedule, research on a business I want to put up someday). I want to spend my time doing whatever catches my fancy (spend a day reading, why not? or sleeping? or eating?). And I know that to do this, I need to be financially free.

And so, ever since I started working (a loooooong time ago, over 15 years!!!), I had always been curious about how I can make it big in this world! And I have picked up bits and pieces of tools along the way. And this blog is where I want to park them -- so that maybe, I can motivate not only myself, but YOU, who had luckily (thank the stars!!) stumbled upon this blog! :)

The HOW:

What I envision for this blog to be is:

1. A place where I can share what I learned from the stuff I've read.
2. Where I can put in references of other blogs/websites I think have aided me/will aid me in becoming financially free.
3. Where I can celebrate my financial wins (big and small) to keep me motivated and to inspire you.


I will write whenever possible. :) I hope I can often, but no promises here!! I am still answerable to a boss who determines how much "cheese" this gorgeous rat (I'm still in the rat race, see) gets.

So yes, I have started on this journey, but have taken only some baby steps so far, so you can definitely catch up!!! And maybe even run past me!

So get your running shoes on, let's do some stretches and be in position. So are we ready?! Get set! Let's GO!!!

To freedom!!!!!